The first course introduces the vision, values, and key structures of the NWD System and introduces the Person-Centered Counseling (PCC) professional role. This course is designed for professionals and community members who have an interest in understanding or implementing aspects of the NWD System.
This course orients learners to the different groups of people who may seek NWD services, how to be more culturally-sensitive to the variety of cultures they may represent, the different types of disabilities, and the varied and unique life experiences they have had. To help Person-Centered Counselors provide effective and appropriate PCC, this course introduces services a person might be seeking through the NWD System.
This course describes the Protection and Advocacy (P & A) System and orients learners to the P & A role of PCC professionals working in the NWD System. This course provides information on defining and identifying various types of abuse, neglect, and exploitation, as well as the responsibilities of mandated reporters.