The NWD System makes it easier for people of all ages, disabilities and income levels to learn about and access the services and supports they need. This includes Veterans and their caregivers.
Learn more about the programs:
Veteran Directed Care Program (VDC)
Provides Veterans greater choice and control over the long-term services and supports that help Veterans live at home
Connecting Older Veterans (Especially Rural) to Community or Veteran Eligible Resources (COVER to COVER) Program
Helps Veterans in rural areas gain information and access to benefits within their communities
Ask the Question Initiative
Improves access to and quality of services for Veterans and their families

Veteran and Caregiver Resources
New to VA
- This VA website provides information about benefits including the services available and how to apply.
VA Shared Decision Making Resources
and Caregiver Assessment Tool
- This VA website includes an overview of Veteran Directed Care and tools to help you figure out what services best meet your needs.
VA Veteran Directed Care
- These VA resource pages provide numerous worksheets and handouts available for print/download related to long-term services and supports and home and community-based services.
Find a VA Medical Facility
- Click on this VA web page to find the closest VA medical facility in your community.
Links to Additional Resources
Find a VDC Provider:
This ACL website for VDC includes information on the VDC Program, resources and useful links, and a list of current VDC Program providers.
U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA):
This VA VDC Website includes information on the VDC Program, elibility requirements, services and supports, decision making tools, and testimonials from VDC Program recipients.
Disabled American Veterans (DAV) VDC Website:
DAV is a non-profit charity that provides information and resources for Veterans and their families.