NWD Key Elements

The foundation of a No Wrong Door System is built on four key functions designed to help states effectively transform their access systems for all populations and all payers:

  1. State Governance and Administration
  2. Public Outreach and Coordination with Key Referral Sources
  3. Person-Centered Counseling (PCC)
  4. Streamlined Eligibility for Public Programs
Building a NWD System graphic

Legislative/Governor Support for NWD

The No Wrong Door vision has been supported by state level legislation or gubernatorial action in a variety of ways. Some examples include defining NWD functions and elements such as Aging and Disability Resource Centers (ADRCs), Person-Centered Counseling, streamlined access, etc., in state statute, state budget allocations, and more. The map below highlights some of the states with such support:

Map of states with Governor Legislative Support

NWD Implementation Plans

Since 2003, ACL, in partnership with CMS, and VHA, have supported states 33 states with grant funding to plan and implement a transformative NWD System that makes it easier for consumers and their families to learn about and access the services they need. States have developed NWD Implementation Plans which identify the key actions the state, their partners and stakeholders will need to take to move forward with the development of a single NWD System. For more information on these NWD Implementation Plans or to see an example, please contact us at: nowrongdoor@acl.hhs.gov.

NWD Medicaid Administrative Claiming

The NWD System Medicaid Claiming guidance informs states about the appropriate methods for claiming federal matching funds, also known as Federal Financial Participation (FFP), for activities within the NWD System.

Additional Resources

Strengthening Medicaid LTSS: A Toolkit for States

States have significant flexibility to transform their Medicaid long-term services and supports (LTSS) programs in ways that advance care quality and manage costs. This new toolkit from the Center for Health Care Strategies and Manatt Health shares proven, replicable strategies for states to improve person-centered, community-based options.

New Funding Opportunities

The Administration for Community Living provides grants to enhance states’ efforts to implement NWD Systems. Previous grants have focused on planning, implementation, and assistive technology. Future funding opportunities can be found at: www.grants.gov or www.acl.gov/grants.