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Why No Wrong Door?

When you finally get one person, they don't connect you to somebody else. They give you a phone number to call... 'Well, call this person and then you call this person... Well no, you will need to call this person.' So then you call that person.

- A Consumer

Long Term Services and Support Can Be Complicated

Long Term Service and Support Complicated Puzzle of Interactions
*Credited to NWD Grantee
You either sink or swim, and most of us sink.

- A Caregiver

Caregivers have to navigate a complicated process on their own

Each agency should let the other one know what the other has available...They need a better networking system.

- A Consumer

No Wrong Door focuses on people and not the system

What is No Wrong Door?

One-Stop Coordinated System

Not just one entity or network

Single standard process

Common protocols and information exchange

Objective and Neutral

Impartial and unbiased


Focusing on you and not the system

Seamless & Person Friendly

Tell your story once

Use of Private & Public Programs

Streamlined access to Long Term Support And Services(LTSS)

Who do we serve?

Anyone seeking LTSS regardless of age, income or disability

Public and Private organizations

Small Businesses (e.g., ADRCs, AAAs, CILs)

State Grantees

How are we doing it?

The Administration for Community Living (ACL), the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), and the Veterans Health Administration (VHA) have partnered for several years to support states' efforts to develop coordinated systems of access to make it easier for consumers to learn about and access LTSS.

These efforts have been supported by a variety of programs, including the Aging and Disability Resource Center (ADRC) program, Real Choice Systems Change grants, the Balancing Incentive Program, Money Follows the Person (MFP), and Veteran Directed Care program (VDC).

The No Wrong Door Key Elements in this document reflect the cumulative experience and learnings from these investments and are designed to provide all states with a framework for developing "high performing" No Wrong Door Systems that can enhance consumer choice and control and can help states create more consumer-driven, more efficient, and more cost-effective LTSS access systems.

Learn more about the history of NWD