
The NWD System vision is developed and supported through a partnership between the Administration for Community Living, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services and the Veterans Health Administration.

Build a No Wrong Door System

Find key resources for developing a NWD System

Person-Centered Counseling

Learn about person centered counseling and resources

Serving Veterans

Learn about programs and resources for Veterans and their caregivers

The Problem: The current long-term services and supports (LTSS) access system involves multiple funding streams with often duplicative eligibility and enrollment processes, leaving many individuals feeling bewildered and overwhelmed.

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A Solution to the Problem: A single NWD System is where anyone can be seamlessly connected to the full range of community-based options available. Through a network of agencies, NWD expands access to services and supports, helping individuals and their caregivers navigate resources they need with a person-centered approach.

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Our initiatives are built around a framework that outlines four key functions of a NWD System.